رؤية المغرب 2020


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    اكتب التسمية التوضيحية الخاصة بك هنا

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    اكتب التسمية التوضيحية الخاصة بك هنا

The 2020 Vision , presented on 30 November in Marrakech before His Majesty King Mohammed VI, has set a goal of doubling the size of the tourism sector, hoisting and Morocco among top 20 tourist destinations in the world. Eight new destinations will arise in the context of Vision 2020.

The contract – tourism program, developed jointly by private sector operators and government, has been endorsed by the highest authority of the State.

200,000 new tourist beds will be created across the UK, the foreign tourist arrivals will be doubled, and the country has triple the number of domestic travelers. Tourism receipts will be brought to 140 billion dirhams in 2020, a cumulative sum of the decade near 1000 billion dirhams.

2020 vision presented to the king by Mr. Yassir Zenagui, Minister of Tourism and Handicraft, is the strategy of regionalization tourism, quality and sustainability. It was designed under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI to highlight each region of Morocco, and to establish a tourism that respects the environment. Sustainable development is indeed a major focus of the Vision 2020. Moroccan tourism take into account the preservation of natural resources, the maintenance of socio-cultural authenticity of the regions and the development and well being of local people. Of “eco territories” will emerge: it will be true of Morocco showcases sustainable development.

2020 vision will play an important role in the process of regionalization advanced in which the Kingdom is committed to adopting an innovative and based on eight territories. These areas have a consistent tourist attractiveness and critical mass necessary for an international position.

Thus, each territory has a position and a specific goal, will be in the coming months to develop a clear roadmap. All this in close consultation with all local stakeholders: politicians, professionals, civil society and public actors. U No effort will be made to develop a range of cultural events and leisure international standing, able to enhance the attractiveness of our destinations. Six major projects, driven and supported by the State, the regions and the private sector will be implemented: the program Azur 2020 (in continuity with the Plan Azur) Legacy program and Inheritance (to showcase the cultural identity Morocco), the Eco & Green (preserved natural areas enhance exception); Animation program and Leisure (enrich the tourist offer hotel and make it more competitive) program Niches high Value Added (position Morocco as a destination of international standing on Wellness) program Biladi (one of the main priorities of the Vision 2020 with the completion of seven stations initially planned in the areas most popular with our citizens).

Amajor key to success f actors Vision 2020, with regard to various issues that will face (cross sector – regionalization-sustainability) depends on the ability of Tourism to implement a new governance of the sector. A High Tourism Authority will be created: it is a public-private instance involving regions, which will be responsible for ensuring the consistency of national and regional strategies, coordinate, monitor and evaluate their implementation.

To materialize the integrated management approach territories, Tourist Development Agencies will be created in parallel. They have main missions are to monitor the implementation of regional roadmaps, develop the attractiveness of destinations and oversee strategic projects to ensure their effective implementation. These agencies will become the single point of contact on all matters related to tourism, and will be true consultation platforms. They will have all the support, expertise and skills of national bodies in charge of tourism.

This ambitious strategy will direct investment flows to new destinations while developing sophisticated new products. Will require significant financial resources nationally and internationally. First key measure creating a Moroccan Fund for Tourism Development (FMDT) which embodies one hand, the proactive engagement with the state sector as a whole to stimulate strong investment dynamics in a position to accompany the implementation of major projects of Vision 2020, and other implements a lasting partnership with Sovereign Wealth Funds of friends willing to support this investment program.

This fund, financed by the state and the Hassan II Fund for Economic and Social Development for an envelope of 15 billion dirhams, will aim capitalization of nearly 100 billion dirhams, with funds from friendly countries.

Second key measure of premiums will be put in place to support investment and towards the emerging or less developed areas.

Finally, the third key measure brand engagement banking sector: the mobilization of an envelope of 24 billion dirhams bank financing for projects considered strategic in the context of Vision 2020, including projects Azur, and responding to access conditions in a pre-defined specifications agreed.


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