رؤية تونس 2020


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    اكتب التسمية التوضيحية الخاصة بك هنا

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    اكتب التسمية التوضيحية الخاصة بك هنا

The Tunisian International Investment Conference held on 29 and 30 November 2016 opened in a full Congress Palace with the national anthem “Houmet el-Houma”. (54) It gathered over 4,000 participants coming from 70 countries – including Emmanuel Noutary, General Delegate of ANIMA. (55) Tunisia 2020 aimed at bringing economy, finances and the assets of the “New Tunisia” to the forefront in order to restore sustainable growth and attract “not donations but concrete investments” as put by Mr. Fadhel Abdelkefi, Minister of Investment and International Cooperation. (56) Beyond financing, the international community participation and the commitments made during “Tunisia 2020” express a strong support to the country and send a significant signal to private investors. Tunisia 2020 has been intended to empower the nation to accomplish a yearly development rate of more than 4% by 2020. (57) To accomplish the goals of the Plan, the Government of Tunisia is actualizing various auxiliary changes that will bring about more productivity and advance private venture. A development plan for Tunisia based on 5 pillars: (58)

  • Good government, public administration reforms & anti-corruption measures.
  • Transition from a low-cost country to an economic hub.
  • Human development and social illusion.
  • Fulfillment of regional ambitions.
  • The Green economy, a pillar of sustainable development.

The International Conference in support of Tunisia’s economic, social and sustainable development is a conference with pragmatic objectives: (59)
  • Present the 2016-2020 Development Plan to the international community, along with the objectives, strategic choices, major economic balances and financing needs.
  • Explain the Tunisian government’s program of reforms aimed at accelerating government and public enterprise upgrades and improving Tunisia’s attractiveness to the private sector.
  • Mobilize the financing necessary for the development of major infrastructure projects, particularly through public-private partnerships.
  • Assist private investors in identifying the sectors and industries with strong growth potential in all regions across the country.
Tunisia is beginning the road to comprehensive and maintainable advancement. Since Spring 2015 the Government of Tunisia has started discussions with the different territorial and national partners to set up a comprehensive and practical financial and social advancement show: (60) The 2016-2020 Development Plan. The Government of Tunisia is resolved to do basic changes and advance private venture. Its execution will be supported by $60 billion in gathering pledges for venture, of which $25 billion for state and open endeavor ventures. It will accelerate development and goad the formation of 400,000 occupations over the span of the present Development Plan.

To promote this plan, the Government of Tunisia invited the country’s main economic stakeholders, along with the high-level international community, to an international conference “Tunisia 2020”. (61) The main outcome of the ‘Tunisia 2020’ conference are 15 billion dollars interests in type of projects in the country over the next 4 years (2016-2020). (62) For instance, on 27th November 2016 the super venture ‘Budgetary Harbor of Tunis’ was propelled, with an aggregate speculation volume of 3 billion US dollars throughout the following 8 years. (63)


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